Tuesday, February 28, 2017

    Today I am studying the history of suffrage. So far I have found out about the centennial luncheon in the Grand Ball Room. At this luncheon many female right leaders gave speeches. I also have researched the rally in Carnegie Hall for women rights. I researched and found Carnegie is in New York, New York. Mother's had the opportunity to speak -on how suffrage affected them being a mother to other mothers. When walked streets with signs. Some women we down to train stations and held signs so other passengers could see. Mrs. Norman de R. Whitehouse was a leader of these women. Mrs,Whitehouse is known for publishing a book that she tells the story on how she took the German Secret Agent by the horns.Some political parties didn't want to get involved in the movement of women rights. They republican party took neutral to stay away. President Theodore Roosevelt wrote a letter going against the woman party because it will "take women away from home". This meant that women will stop doing there responsibilities as wives and mothers.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Secret Ballot

After establishment of  the Secret Ballot the voting turnout decreased to 50% by 1996 and has yet to recover. I think this decline has happen because people are no longer worried about a power knowing if they did or didn't vote.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Progressive Era

1. Progress to me is getting better in a certain area.

2. The Progressive Era was a period of great social activism and political reform across the United States, from the 1890s to the 1920.

3. All of the progressive reforms were made to eliminate problems from industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in the government.

Essential Goals
-Take down corrupt representatives in the government
  -Building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions
Good Goals 
Improve the workforce environment
- Women rights
Strange Goals
-Ban on alcohol

Bad Idea
 Regulating everything

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Huffington Post

Reports of an ancient Maya prophecy, a mysterious planet on a collision course with Earth, or a reverse in Earth's rotation, predicted the world will end in 2012 on December 21.

We will experience extremely heavy winters and extremely hot summers. Global warming is being made evident by extremes in weather patterns: when it will be cold, it will be brutally cold. And when it will be hot, it will be scorching. This will hold true across the globe.

We will come to the realization that paper money needs to be replaced with a more efficient alternative, so we’ll develop electronic currency. In addition, the countless banks that exist today will converge into one single bank that spans across the globe

We do have a cure for cancer and many other illnesses, but we’re not allowed access to them yet.
The Simpsons

In 1995, Lisa’s “future” fiancĂ© could verbally communicate with his watch.

Heinlein depicted a United States that develops a nuclear weapon before the rest of the world, becoming the only superpower and spurring a race among the other nations of the world to develop the bomb. 

John Elfreth Watkins Jr predicted Man will see around the world. Persons and things of all kinds will be brought within focus of cameras connected electrically with screens at opposite ends of circuits, thousands of miles at a span

Spouses will be able to secretly control one another’s moods with “grouch pills. 

We will be able to feel and smell whatever’s on our television sets.

“Frogmen” will live in underseas bunkers and tend to kelp farms.
Image result for future predictions        
Image result for future predictions
3. The predictions of wide television, digital meetings, communication through digitally seeing each other, all came true.
4. In these predictions I see two things. I first see the predictions of the world becoming more advanced in the technology that is available.I also see the predictions of people and nature taking unhealthy affects.
5. I predict that people will be able to research something on their phone and it will virtually appear.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Police Force evolution

Police Report
The urban to rural change and industrialization in America increased the population incredibly. With more people in American cities, more crimes were being committed and there was no one to stop it. Before policing there was a "Watch System" the system was composed of community volunteers whose primary duty was to warn impending danger. Boston installed this in 1631, New York followed in 1647, and Philadelphia in 1700.

 The first police force was established in 1838 in Boston, according to plsonline.eku, by the 1880s all US major cities had a municipal police force. The policing in the north and south varied from one another. In the South the policing was Slave Patrol. Slave Patrol had 3 jobs; chase down and return slaves, provide organized terror, and maintain a form of discipline. In the Northern US policing was a system of elected constables and sheriffs.  In the north police had the ability to now arrest anyone they saw as a threat and in the south they enforced white supremacy.

As northern cities grew and filled with immigrants, wealthy elite that ran the municipal government hired hundred and thousands of armed men to impose order on the new working class neighborhoods according to lawcha.org. American cities experienced major strikes, and riots in 1877, 1886, 1894. Talked about on lawcha.org is that police were created to control the working class and poor people. They were created to protect new form of wage-labor capitalism. The patrol wagon system was instituted so that large numbers of people could be transported all at once. Police started carrying firearm, this sparked a widespread of fear that the police had to much  power. Early American police departments shared two primary characteristic, notoriously corrupt and brutal. At the time there was no national policing policy. The myth "tough street cop" was formed by policeman who handled all problems on his beat through the application of physical punishment. Some police systematically took payoffs to allow drinking, gambling, and prostitution. Most policeman even drink while on patrol.

In 1905 Pennsylvania established the first modern State police department, that was used to primarily to monitor the corrupt inefficient local police forces. State police were known as the professional police department. The FBI was the created in 1908, president Theodore Roosevelt issued an executive order to create the bureau. The FBI started off investigating antitrust cases, fraud and crime committed on government property or by government officials. The 20th century strategy involved new  techniques, integrated sources of authority, and narrowed down the definition of police work. Administrators adopted an insular view of professionalism that emphasized crime fighting as the primary function of police work.

The early 20th century was the peek for police evolution in America. The first use of police dogs was in Belgium in 1900. This tactic soon was adopted by American police departments. In 1906 motorcycles came into use in Philadelphia, this gave forces advantage in speed and getting through traffic. Specialize police squads were also established in the 20th century. This creation moved police from specific communities to combat city wide problems. State police created state highway patrol force to deal with the increasing motorist on highways. Forensic science began because criminal behavior became more prevalent and difficult to catch. Forensic science is the use of science for criminal and civil laws. Communication also improved, agencies exchanged information about crimes and defenders. The new technologies of photography helped identify offenders, prints could be made from negatives, this made the posting of offenders in stations possible.  These pictures became known as “mug shots” because it was a picture of the suspects face. The 20th century also brought new crimes such as bootlegging. Bootlegging came into play because the 18th Amendment made it illegal to sale, transport, or produce liquor. Women in the police force was also a major advancement. Men thought women would be too sympathetic to be officers. Lucy Gray was the first police matron, by the 1880s she set up a police department to aid women and children, victims and offenders, that weren’t getting proper care. In 1924 the first black policewoman was hired.

American policing was a necessity as the American population grew. It's hard for us to imagine modern life with law enforcement. American policing changed the way authority was enforced in this country. Today the system is not perfect but it is much better than before.  In the years of 1870- 1915 the evolution of policing was tremendous and shaped the world's law enforcement today.



“The History of Policing in the United States, Part 4 | 
Police Studies Online”; “Police Organization”; 
“Stop Kidding Yourself”; 
“Police - Early Police in the United States | Law Enforcement | Britannica.com.”